The Liebherr K2834 is a unique fridge with a compact freezer compartment at the top. With a spacious 250 litre capacity and 4 glass fridge shelves, this fridge freezer offers plenty of space and great functionality in a stylish design.
The 4-star freezer compartment in this appliance enables fresh food to be frozen for longer. Temperatures in the compartment of -18°C and lower ensures that your food is stored with all the vitamins and minerals needed.
The handy bottle rack in this appliance is an attractive feature which is a practical and organized solution for securely storing your beverages. The compact bottle holder will free up space for other essentials.
With two easy to clean Transparent Vegetable Bins, this refrigerator provides plenty of space for your storage of your fruit and vegetables.
The reversible door on the appliance can be fitted to meet the layout of your kitchen and allow you easy access to your refrigerator. (The factory fitted door hinges on the right.)