Sold in EACH
- Long service life
- Safe and efficient waste collection
- Durable, robust bin of high capacity
- Low empty weight
The Schaefer Waste Bin 240L (On Wheels) is made of high-density polyethylene that�s been developed under a compact injection moulding process. It has a capacity of 240 litres and makes for safe and efficient waste collection. It is a n eco-friendly, durable and strong bin of high capacity and has low empty weight. It is equipped with wheels, making it easy to transport. It is resistant to rot, frost, heat, chemicals and UV light, avoiding the influence of these factors on the waste stored inside. The Schaefer Waste Bin 240L (On Wheels) is ideal for commercial purposes.The Schaefer Waste Bin 240L (On Wheels) is made of high-density polyethylene that�s been developed under a compact injection moulding process.